Breakfast Session – Adding up Carbon’s Hidden Costs – WHERE NEXT?
Join our panel in Cape Town for an informal and interactive breakfast session, where we will discuss:
- How the hidden cost of carbon builds up in supply chains,
- How carbon pricing might evolve, and
- How companies can prepare for an uncertain future.
About the discussion:
With growing scrutiny and heightened expectations from climate-aware stakeholders, many industry and mining players are ramping up efforts to monitor not only their own carbon emissions but also those within their supply chains.
This is a critical first step on the Net-zero journey, enabling organisations to implement carbon cost accounting within existing operations and established carbon taxation jurisdictions.
What does the future hold?
How might the carbon costing landscape evolve, and what implications could this have for the costs of carbon-intensive goods like steel, cement, and aluminum?
Many countries have already placed a direct price on carbon emissions, and systems such as CBAM are set to increase carbon costs. Furthermore, the IEA’s Net-zero scenario indicates that the future cost of carbon in a Paris-aligned world will far exceed the current pricing.
By understanding the factors likely to drive carbon’s future “hidden” costs, industry can prepare by identifying innovative reduction and mitigation measures. Novel carbon capture opportunities and natural capital gains have social and financial benefits that are often overlooked. Carbon reduction through technological innovation and the increase of nature-positive projects should form an integral part of most responsible industries’ and companies’ strategic thinking on Net-zero.