Aviva Flood Consultancy
Aviva work with SLR as their Specialist Partner to provide bespoke preperty-level flood risk assessments to their customers.
Flood Consultancy Services:
Recent flooding events experienced across the UK, particularly over the last decade, have shown the devastating impact that flooding can have on property, businesses and individuals.
SLR is proud to have been selected as Aviva’s Specialist Partner to provide a bespoke flood risk consultancy offering businesses the opportunity to help protect their world against the threat of flood.
How can we help?
To deliver appropriate, effective, flood risk prevention measures to mitigate potential impacts to your business, property, and customers, an essential first step is to quantify the flood risk, whatever the source. We review a number of data sources, including modelled flood data and a range of strategic studies.
Where data is available, this enables us to provide an insight on the likely risk of a property flooding in any given year, the severity of such a flood, and potentially the depth of floodwaters that might be expected. It is this information, together with a site inspection by one of our specialists that enables us to recommend appropriate property specific flood management solutions. These are provided in a report format which has been developed in partnership with Aviva’s underwriters.
We are strictly independent of any suppliers of flood management products and recommend only generic solutions appropriate to the specific needs of your property. However, we do work alongside Aviva’s other Specialist Partners, Adler & Allen and Aquobex, who can deliver the flood risk management solutions we recommend.
What are the benefits?
Bespoke assessment of the flood risk, together with advice on flood management solutions, enables a potential:
- reduction in business interruption and lost earnings for those affected, and;
- increased speed of recovery following a flood.
For a comprehensive overview of how SLR can support you, get in touch with one of our experts:
Gordon Robb
T: 07899 928 494
Ireland and N. Ireland
Peter Glanville
T: +353 1 296 4667
North East, Midlands & North Wales
Martin Baines
T: 07753 951 249
South West & South Wales
Ian Walton
T: 07807 068 794
London & South East
Dan Watson
T: 07714 733 702