Jason Shepherd
Technical Director, Air Quality – Asia Pacific
Jason is based in our Melbourne office with over 17 years’ experience working with a wide range of clients providing air quality impacts assessments of particulate, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), air toxics and odour.
Jason has extensive experience with plume dispersion models (AUSPLUME, AERMOD, CALPUFF and GRAL) including the development of emissions inventories and generation of meteorological datasets (AERMET, TAPM and CALMET). He has delivered a diverse range of modelling studies, as well as greenhouse gas and climate change risk assessments, for various projects including baseload and emergency power stations, windfarm construction, grain terminal, ships hold fumigation, material transfer, mining, bulk hydrocarbon storage, medical waste incineration, land rezoning, buffer separation distances and road tunnel ventilation (including using PIARC and COPERT vehicle emission models) for State significant Environmental Effects Statements.
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