Environmental impact assessment for Knockcronal wind farm

Client Name
South Ayrshire, Scotland


SLR was appointed to lead the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process for Knockcronal Wind Farm, and to prepare and submit an application for consent under Section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989.

The proposed development comprises nine wind turbines (six up to 200m and three up to 180m), an energy storage compound, substation, tracks, hardstandings, borrow pits, and a met mast. The development site is an area of moorland and farmland in South Ayrshire, approximately 5km south of Straiton. The surrounding land is predominantly used for agriculture and forestry.

Key environmental considerations include: landscape and visual impacts (noting that the site borders the buffer zone of the Galloway Dark Skies Park); noise impacts; impacts on the settings of cultural heritage assets; and cumulative effects.


SLR had a project management role, leading planning and EIA process from Scoping through to Public Local Inquiry. We coordinated production of the EIA Scoping Report and EIA Report, with technical inputs delivered by our in-house team and trusted specialist sub-consultants. Our EIA team coordinated team communications and delivery, ensuring that surveys, studies and assessments were carried out in line with relevant regulations, good practice guidance, and the Scoping Opinion.

Our team additionally supported Statkraft with stakeholder and community engagement, attending virtual and in-person public exhibitions, holding meetings and site visits with the local authority and other consultees, and helping to ensure feedback was incorporated into the project design wherever possible.

A robust EIA report was prepared in support of the Section 36 application, which was submitted in late 2021. SLR continued to support Statkraft following submission, engaging with regulators and responding to consultee queries.

The Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit determined that the application would be subject to a Public Local Inquiry (PLI), conjoined with two other nearby wind energy proposals. SLR helped Statkraft and their legal advisors, Pinsent Masons, through the PLI process, supporting with research and document management, aiding technical expert witnesses preparation, and attending PLI sessions.


The conjoined PLI has concluded, and a determination from Scottish Ministers is currently awaited.

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