INAC Manitoba region risk management framework

Client Name
Manitoba, Canada


INAC is responsible for managing over 200 sites in Manitoba at any given time that have impacts from fuel storage and handling activities. Sites range from easily accessible, to remote sites that are only accessible by air and/or winter roads. INAC required SLR to develop a tool to prioritize each site remediation.


SLR developed a spill guide for use at fuel handling sites under a tight timeline, meeting the client’s financial year end for project delivery. The Phase II ESA component was completed under adverse weather conditions caused by extreme snowfall events in a remote northern community (Sayisi Dene First Nation). Regardless, our team was able to complete the task on time and on budget.

SLR staff from six offices across Western Canada contributed to the project success due to the geographic coverage and time restraints of the project.


  • Risk management framework tool was developed and delivered to the client. It is being considered for national implementation.
  • Risk management framework development along and with testing of the framework with site cases provided by the client.
  • Literature review of low-cost passive remediation techniques.
  • Conducted a Phase II ESA on a recent release site located in Tadoule Lake, Manitoba (Sayisi Dene First Nation), to use as an additional test case.
  • Developed a generic spill guide for fuel storage sites on First Nations reserves.

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