Narangba Innovation Precinct and Environs Environmental Health Impact Investigations
- Client Name
- City of Moreton Bay
- Location
- Queensland, Australia

City of Moreton Bay (CMB) was undertaking a review of the land use planning requirements that relate to the Narangba Innovation Precinct (East), an industrial estate supporting a range of High impact industry and Special industry uses. The review follows the Temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPI) that was introduced over parts of this precinct by the Queensland Government.
CMB was committed to future planning decisions about development in and around the precinct being guided and informed by a contemporary environmental health investigation. The review was designed to manage key stakeholder and broad community interests transparently and equitably. This included consultation with the then Department of Environment and Science, who manage environmental compliance for many of the industries within the Precinct (East).
To inform potential future planning scheme amendments, CMB engaged our team to provide a range of sequenced technical investigations to identify potential environmental health and amenity impacts caused by the existing approved activities within the Narangba Innovation Precinct (East).
Our team undertook an initial desktop review of previous assessment reports, development applications, emission testing reports and aerial imagery to identify the key air emission sources.
A noise monitoring program was also performed. Following this review and monitoring, an Air Quality Assessment was completed, including a detailed air dispersion modelling study covering air pollutants, including odour. A Noise Impact Assessment was also performed to assess the current noise levels from industrial operations, key sources and relevant requirements of regulatory guidelines, policies, and standards. Our team also provided a Health Risk Assessment to examine the outcomes of the Air Quality review and any potential toxicological impacts for consideration.
The findings of the technical investigations completed by our team are enabling CMB to better plan and make evidence-based decisions around the future development within the Narangba Innovation Precinct (East) and surrounding areas.