Obetsebi Lamptey interchange upgrade project
- Client Name
- QGMI Construcciones e Infraestructuras Globales S.L.U on behalf of the Government of Ghana’s Ministry of Roads and Highways
- Location
- City of Accra, Ghana

SLR compiled an EIA Addendum Report for QGMI on behalf of the Ghana Ministry of Roads and Highways for the proposed Obetsebi Lamptey Interchange Project. The project included the introduction of an East-West viaduct over the Obetsebi Lamptey traffic circle, in addition to a North-South viaduct and upgrades which were previously approved by the Environmental Protection Agency.
The majority of the impacts identified and assessed remain relevant, with the exception of socio-economic impacts. In order to mitigate the project’s socio-economic impacts a Framework Resettlement Action Plan was developed.
The EIA Addendum Report provided a review and update of various aspects, including the baseline environments, impact assessment, mitigation measures, monitoring programmes, environmental management plan, rehabilitation and decommissioning requirements.
In addition to the EIA Addendum Report, SLR also assisted QGMI to conduct air, noise and visual specialist studies related to this project.