Operations, maintenance, & monitoring services at gold mine

Client Name
Angels Camp, California, USA


Carson Hill is a historic mining district where gold has been mined since the mid-1800s. The Carson Hill Gold Mine in Calaveras County, California was an open pit gold mine that operated in the late 1980’s. The mine consists of a 64-acre open side cut, 3 former heap leach piles 3 waste rock disposal facilities, a flotation circuit and an SX/EW plant including one tailings storage facility, two heap leach facilities, multiple waste rock dumps, and four open pits.

The mine’s Waste Discharge Requirements require collection and management of mine-impacted seepage and drainage from waste management units. Collection water is processed through a greensand filter, reverse osmosis water treatment plant and discharged under an NPDES permit.


Our role:

  • Operations and maintenance (O&M) of the seep and drain collection systems.
  • O&M of the RO water treatment plant.
  • NPDES permitting and compliance.
  • Groundwater and surface water monitoring and reporting.
  • Geotechnical slope stability surveillance of the sites waste rock disposal facilities.
  • Stormwater BMP maintenance and compliance sampling.
  • Database management using EQuIS environmental data management software.


  • Successful year after year collaboration between SLR, client field teams, and office managers.
  • Engineered and installed a greensand filter for the removal of manganese in the waste stream prior to RO filtration.
  • Prepared Operations, Maintenance, and Monitoring Plan to provide a holistic document for operators, field leaders, and managers.
  • Implemented a site-specific health and safety plan in collaboration with BHP site superintendent.
  • Engineered, coordinated, and performed CQA for geomembrane liner replacement of 3 waste management unit (former heap leach piles).


SLR has and continues to support BHP with O&M and environmental compliance during the closure process with O&M and environmental services.

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