Wellington quarry extension

Client Name
Tarmac Trading Limited


SLR played a pivotal role in assessing the air quality implications of a proposed extension to the Wellington quarry site. SLR was the lead air quality consultant, responsible for conducting a comprehensive Air Quality and Minerals Dust Assessment.


SLR conducted a review of the existing dust control measures and specific targeted recommendations for additional measures relating to the extension area were made based on the assessment, as required to mitigate potential impacts.

The assessment scope included:

  • A minerals dust assessment, which required a detailed investigation of potential source magnitude and dispersion given meteorological conditions, and as the proposed extension moves operations closer to sensitive receptors. Receptors within a 250m screening distance of the extension boundary were assessed based on IAQM guidance.
  • Baseline evaluation of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Particulate Matter (PM) concentrations established using Defra’s Annual Mean Background Concentrations.


This assessment was crucial for understanding the potential environmental impact associated with extending the quarry’s operations to the northwest of its existing boundaries; ultimately SLR’s input helped achieve planning permission in July 2023.

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