Environmental Impact Assessment for the Proposed Water Abstraction from the Kranzberg Aquifer, Erongo Region, Namibia
17 March 2025 | Client: Namibia Water Corporation Ltd in collaboration with Osino Gold Exploration and Mining (Pty) Ltd
Osino is currently developing the Twin Hills Gold Mine Project, located 25 km northeast of Karibib within the Erongo Region. To this effect, Osino has conducted water supply investigations for the planned mining operations. Despite success of water supply investigations undertaken close to the Mine License Area, Osino still investigated other water sources to further secure water supply. To this end, NamWater, as the national bulk water supplier, in collaboration with Osino, investigated and confirmed feasibility to abstract groundwater from the Kranzberg Aquifer. This finding supports expansion of the existing Kranzberg Water Supply Scheme, operated by NamWater. Therefore, NamWater, in collaboration with Osino, propose to abstract groundwater from the Kranzberg Aquifer and expand the Kranzberg Water Supply Scheme, as an option to supply water to the Twin Hills Gold Mine.
A Draft Scoping with Assessment Report and Environmental Management Plan have been prepared and are now available for public review from 17 March 2025 to 14 April 2025. Soft copies can be downloaded from the list below. A hard copy is available for review at the Usakos Community Library
You are also invited to the following public meeting:
Usakos: 4 April, Usakos Community Hall, 18h00