SANRAL: Proposed Quarry in the Ngquza Hill Local Municipality

18 August 2023 | Client: South African National Road Agency SOC Ltd (SANRAL)

The South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd (SANRAL) proposed the establishment of a quarry within the Ngquza Hill Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province.

SLR was appointed to undertake the required Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process for the proposed project. Accordingly, an application for Environmental Authorisation (EA) was lodged with the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) as the competent authority.


Nicholas Arnott


Telephone: 0214611118


On behalf of SANRAL, notice is hereby given that on 4 August 2023, the DMRE refused to grant an EA for the proposed project. The decision was issued in terms of the EIA Regulations, 2014 (as amended) and a copy is available for download below. The EA Refusal includes details of the appeal process (see below) and outlines the reasons for decision.

Your attention is drawn to your right to lodge a formal appeal against the decision in terms of the National Appeal Regulations, 2014. An appellant must, within 20 calendar days from the date that the notification of the decision was sent to Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) (i.e. 20 days from 18 August 2023) lodge an appeal. Details of the appeal process if included in the notification letter available for download below.

Should you and/or your organisation wish to lodge an appeal, it must be submitted by no later than 7 September 2023.

DMRE EA Decision