Methane measurement and reduction expertise reinforces climate goals for clients

Post Date
17 June 2021
Read Time
2 minutes

We've continued to build on our expertise in air quality monitoring and methane emissions assessment, assisting regional and global energy and oil & gas clients in reducing their methane emissions. Energy companies are eager to participate in this rapidly evolving arena with many companies devoting significant resources to adopting best practices.

SLR has become a recognised leader in this changing landscape of emissions measurements, mitigations, and strategies. Along with our prime partners, we've performed the first of its kind onboard methane measurements of an LNG Carrier Ship. Publication of this LNG emissions work is expected later in 2021. SLR and our valued partners also authored the Methane Guiding Principles best practice guides in 2019 and 2020. More recently, Cheniere has engaged SLR to help develop and support its recently announced QMRV program (quantification, monitoring, reporting and verification) of greenhouse gas emissions performance at natural gas production sites. In another example, as part of the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative, SLR has collaborated with IOGP, IPIECA, and an international team of experts to outline methods to select detection technologies for facilities across the globe. Publication of a methane detection recommended practice is expected later in 2021. SLR also supports the Gas Technology Institute in developing its newly announced Differentiated Gas Initiative.

‘We work with our clients to help them evaluate their strategies in a quickly evolving landscape’, noted Matt Harrison, SLR Senior Principal. ‘Our clients seek to set strategies, or to take successful steps toward the multiple voluntary commitments to which they are already committed. They seek suitable ways to achieve their goals, whether that be in emissions reduction or overall climate strategy.’

SLR was one of only a few companies profiled in the recently published EDF/Datu Research report: ‘Find, Measure, Fix, strategize: Jobs in U.S. Methane Emissions Management Industry’.

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