Alban Forster

Infrastructure Sector Leader - Europe



Alban has 30 years' professional experience in the field of commercial, technical and environmental due diligence, across the waste and energy sectors. His specialist areas include; business planning and market analysis, strategy development and policy review strategic plan development, procurement support and operational service reviews. He has worked on transactional due diligence studies for banks; assessing the feasibility of numerous infrastructure assets, biomass and waste to energy schemes, business viability and environmental risk.

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  • Insight

    03 January 2023

    4 minutes read

    Why sustainable development and infrastructure should be at the core of global society

    by Alban Forster

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  • News

    05 August 2021

    2 minutes read

    SLR helps select shortlist for sustainable aviation fuel competition (SAF)

    by Alban Forster

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