Barking Riverside waste advice for the new outline planning application
- Client Name
- Barking Riverside Limited (BRL)
- Location
- London, UK

SLR’s Sustainable Waste Management team produced a waste management strategy to support a new outline planning application to incorporate a Significant uplift to a total of 20,000 homes at the Barking Riverside development.
The original planning application and completed areas of the Barking Riverside development incorporate the Envac automated waste collection system to manage household waste. A new outline planning application was required to support the proposal to uplift the scheme to a total of 20,000 homes and non-residential and mixed use space to 65,600 square metres, including proposed expanded use of the Envac system.
Recent and anticipated legislation changes, e.g. the introduction of Simpler Recycling, required modification of the household waste materials to be collected, including provision for separate collection of food waste.
The proposed uplift in number of homes will also require construction of two further Envac collection stations, bringing the total at Barking Riverside to three. The locations of the collection stations were to remain on the outskirts of the development area, to ensure continued minimisation of waste collection vehicle movements into and through the residential and commercial centres.
SLR has worked with BRL since 2007 in undertaking a feasibility assessment of automated waste collection system implementation. This led to developing the original waste strategy for the Barking Riverside development outline planning application, and SLR has subsequently written waste strategy updates for specific phases of the scheme and reserved matters applications.
The development of a revised waste strategy for the new outline planning application involved a review of relevant legislative changes and national and regional waste and recycling targets to ensure that the proposed development would be in compliance with all such existing and anticipated requirements. The waste strategy set out how BRL expects residential and commercial units to meet the required recycling targets and obligations relating to materials segregation.
Estimated waste arisings were derived for the proposed residential and commercial units. The waste strategy describes the waste minimisation approach for the development and details measures to be applied in raising resident awareness of correct use of the Envac system, as well as the delivery and monitoring framework that will be implemented throughout its anticipated operational life.
The completed elements of the Barking Riverside development using the Envac system are meeting and exceeding relevant recycling rate targets, and performing above wider borough levels.
The revised waste strategy document produced by SLR was submitted as part of BRL’s new outline planning application, to evidence the appropriate deployment of the Envac system and the anticipated waste arisings from the additional development proposals.