Solar Modelling and Installation Detail Design for Council Chambers
- Client Name
- North Sydney Council
- Location
- North Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

SLR was engaged by North Sydney Council to provide an “OPTIMUM” solar power system installation on the roof of the North Sydney Council Chambers at 200 Miller Street.
This study comprised the following key steps:
- Assess the potential for the installation of an optimal Photo Voltaic (PV) solar power system for the site
- Conduct solar access modelling
- Estimate the annual solar power available for the proposed site
- Provide a cost estimate for the proposed system
- Provide a payback and life cycle assessment for the proposed system; and
- Provide a greenhouse gas CO2 emission saving.
SLR has provided the Council with a detailed design to install an optimal system with a total capacity of 23.1 kW. The estimated greenhouse gas CO2 emission saving is approximately 34.8 tonnes/annum. The project was eligible for 603 REC’s at $40 value as a point of sale.
SLR proposed a WebBox data acquisition unit to store, display and compare system data reliably.
Council informed that the installed system is working on a very high efficiency and the performance data is in very good agreement with SLR’s estimation.