Osino - Khan Water Scheme, Erongo Region (previously referred to as the proposed Surface Water and Sand Storage Dam)

17 June 2024 | Client: Osino Gold Exploration and Mining (Pty) Ltd (Osino)

Osino Gold Exploration and Mining (Pty) Ltd (Osino) is currently developing the Twin Hills Gold Project, located 25 km northeast of Karibib within the Erongo Region. Despite the success of the water supply investigations, undertaken to date, in the Karibib Marble Aquifer, Osino is still investigating other sources, including the Khan Water Scheme option, to ensure water security owning to the fact that the Twin Hilld Gold project is in a water scarce Central Areas Network of Namibia (CAN).

SLR Environmental Consulting (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd (“SLR”) are appointed as the independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) to undertake the Scoping and EIA process required to inform an ECC decision for the proposed project.


Stephanie Strauss

Email: osino-water@slrconsulting.com

Telephone: (+264) 61 231 287


The scoping phase has been completed and the terms of reference for the assessment of impacts has been developed. After completing the assessments, the EIA Report (including all specialist study findings) and the EMP will be prepared, which will first be shared for review by registered interested and affected parties, before being finalised and submitted to MEFT for review and a final decision regarding an environmental clearance.

The Final Scoping Report is available for public comment until 3 July 2024. A full copy of the report is available for download below.