Mine Waste Engineering
Our comprehensive experience allows us to identify economical and environmentally acceptable solutions which provide awareness of long term liability, through the careful integration of site specific conditions, geotechnical and geochemical characteristics of the tailings, various possible disposal strategies, closure objectives and constraints and risk management.

Without careful consideration in design, construction, operation and closure, mine tailings and rock storage facilities can pose a significant risk to life and the environment due to their large size, and being built almost entirely of mine overburden and processing by-products.
Our experts understand that mine waste and related engineering services are truly a multi-disciplinary effort. Using integrated approaches, SLR focuses all of our engineering and scientific expertise in combining knowledge and methods to ensure mine infrastructure has a positive impact on the environment and surrounding communities.
Our senior personnel have been involved in a wide range of minerals including gold, uranium, diamonds, coal, platinum, copper, nickel, chrome, vanadium, mineral sands projects, oil and natural gas.
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Mine Waste Engineering Services
- Site selection studies and trade-off studies for filtered, thickened and unthickened tailings.
- Field and laboratory geotechnical characterisation programs and associated analysis and interpretation.
- Mine waste geotechnical and geochemical characterisation, modelling and assessments.
- Seismic hazard and liquefaction assessments and associated engineering.
- Tailings, heap leach, waste rock and water facility engineering and management, from feasibility through to detailed design.
- Stability, seepage and deformation analyses, and advanced finite element modelling.
- Flow slide and dam break assessments and associated consequence classification.
- Risk assessments including failure mode and effects analysis and quantitative risk assessments.
- Surface water, groundwater, solute and effluent modelling and monitoring.
- Water balance modelling.
- Design of water management infrastructure.
- Design of tailings slurry and water pipeline systems.
- Dam Safety Reviews and facility audits.
- Liner design and leakage rate predictions.
- Erosion assessment (e.g. SIBERIA), and landform and cover design.
- Mine closure planning and design.
Reviews and Audits
- Governance reviews.
- Independent third-party design reviews and assessments.
- Experts for Independent Technical Review Boards.
- Due diligence reviews.
Construction and Appointments
- Construction supervision and project management.
- Engineer of Record and Designer of Record services.
- Responsible Tailings Facility Engineer (RTFE) Secondments.
Mine Waste Engineering Projects
Mine Waste Engineering
Using integrated approaches, SLR focuses our engineering and scientific expertise from geotechnical and civil engineering, to hydrology, hydrogeology, ecology and permitting to align the design intent and objectives with environmental and social expectations in the communities and maintain flexibility for the operators.
Our Team Includes
Dr. Chris Meikle
Mining Sector Leader – Asia Pacific
Ben Tarrant
Principal, Geotechnics and Mine Waste Engineering – Asia Pacific
Danielle O’Toole
Technical Director, Geotechnics and Mine Waste Engineering – Asia Pacific
Francois van Heerden
Technical Director, Geotechnics and Mine Waste Engineering – Asia Pacific
Jodie Kilpatrick
Associate Consultant, Geotechnics & Mine Waste Engineering – Asia Pacific
Natasha Joynson
Principal Consultant, Geotechnical Engineering – Asia Pacific
Aréte Myburgh
Associate Consultant, Geotechnical Engineering – Asia Pacific
Clarice Romer
Associate Engineering Geologist, Geotechnics & Mine Waste Engineering – Asia Pacific
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