Nour Kowatli
Urban Design Assistant
Nour studied Urban Designat the University of Strathclyde and the University of Glasgow, graduating in 2018 with a distinction. Her MSc graduation project won the RTPI Student Award. She also holds a bachelor degree in Architecture from the University of Damascus, Syria, where she is a registered Architect. Prior to joining SLR, Nour has had several years of experience working on high profile projects for a number of firms in the UK and the Middle East, where she has assisted in the development of clients’ briefs and participated in various RIBA stages of projects to produce progressive, forward-thinking designs; projects covered residential schemes, mixed-use, conservation and new build projects.
Since joining SLR, Nour has been predominantly involved and focused on working collaboratively on a wide range of masterplanning and placemaking projects in Scotland and England in different scales and scopes. Nour supports the Urban Design team with her experience from conceptual design to detailed design, and also contributing to the creation and delivery of graphics and drawings.
Nour is passionate about urban design and architecture and fascinated by placemaking, public realm and creating environments for people. Her solid education in architecture and urban design supports her to play a dual role in delivering successful schemes in both sectors. Her particular research interest lies in the exploration and the appraisal of the relationship between both sectors to deliver resilient design schemes and high-quality spaces for people.
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