Acoustics Design Advice for a Recycling Facility

Client Name
Global Metal Solutions Limited
Hamilton, New Zealand


Operating a recycling facility in an industrial zone with housing located on the opposite side of a railway created challenges for our client. Certain activities had resulted in noise complaints from nearby residents that required investigation with the potential to cease operations if the issue was not resolved.

The client’s goal was to find an acoustic solution to reduce noise levels, minimise effects for the nearby residents and enable going operation of the site.


Through detailed site visits, noise measurements and liaison with the client, the acoustics and vibration team was able to build specific knowledge of the site and processes being undertaken. This enabled targeted noise mitigation and management measures to be identified, allowing for a staged process to minimise operational disruption.

Our acoustics experts prepared an affidavit as part of the legal proceedings to enable the site’s ongoing operation based on the proposed staged mitigation to resolve the noise issues.

As the noise mitigation solutions were implemented, the acoustics team undertook compliance monitoring to demonstrate effectiveness and compliance.


The result of the noise mitigation design advice to the client, assistance through legal proceedings, and subsequent compliance monitoring demonstrated to Council that compliance was being achieved. This avoided the shutdown of the site, satisfied local residents, and enabled the client to continue operating with minimal disruption.

"It was certainly a pleasure working with you"

Craig Tuhoro, Managing Director, Global Metal Solutions

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