Grove Street realignment NEPA environmental assessment
- Client Name
- Town of New Milford
- Location
- Connecticut, USA

SLR conducted an Environmental Assessment and Section 4(f) Report for the proposed realignment of Grove Street and improvements to State Route 67.
The driving force of this project was the need for a safe and less congested alternative travelway parallel to U.S. Route 7 for accommodation of peak-hour traffic easterly of the downtown area in the southerly section of New Milford.
Evaluation of the alternatives and the analysis of the effects of implementation on the preferred alternative revealed that associated impacts would be minor and that mitigation opportunities existed to abate such impacts. The recommended action involved the realignment of Grove Street, geometric improvements to State Route 67, and reconstruction of the intersection of State Route 67 and U.S. Route 202. Full and partial acquisitions of several properties were required. Great Brook, within the study area, was relocated and restored to a natural condition within the limits of the relocated roadway infrastructure.
Other resources, receptors, and potential impacts analyzed included land use, socioeconomics, natural and cultural resources, flood hazard potential, air and noise quality, solid waste and hazardous materials, as well as public health and safety.
The CEPA document was approved by the Connecticut Office of Policy and Management (OPM) and the project was constructed.