Royal Australian Air Force Pearce Paddock - Asbestos in soil investigation

Client Name
Western Australia, Australia


SLR was commissioned by Ventia to undertake a targeted soil investigation to delineate the extent of asbestos contamination in soil from an open paddock adjacent to buildings.

Information provided by the client suggested that the open paddock once contained two buildings that were built circa 1940 which were demolished resulting in asbestos containing material impacts to soil.


A grid-based sampling approach for the site was adopted and included the excavation of twenty test pits. Airborne asbestos fibre monitoring was completed pre and during the investigation. During the investigation, friable in the form of lagging was encountered. The investigation ceased based on the friable asbestos find and a risk assessment was undertaken in accordance with the Department of Defence Asbestos Management Plan which deemed the disturbance of the friable material as very high risk.

A remediation options assessment was developed for the site. The preferred remediation option involved management of asbestos in soil in-situ as undisturbed.


The advantages to the client were cost effectiveness with no associated offsite disposal costs, and a sustainable solution in accordance with the Department of Defence waste minimisation principle.

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