Transport advice for Dunsfold Park

Client Name
Dunsfold Park
Waverley, Surrey, UK


We have been providing transport advice for a residential-led, mixed-use development at the Dunsfold Park site in Waverley, Surrey. The proposals include up to 1,800 residential dwellings, 32,166 sq m of new commercial, education, retail and leisure space plus a medical centre and community facilities. We are also assisting Dunsfold Airport in promoting a larger scheme for between 2,600 and 3,400 homes through the Local Plan process.


We made detailed pre-application submissions to Surrey County Council, culminating in the majority of trip generation assumptions being agreed in advance of submission. We undertook a transport assessment, which included a detailed Sustainable Transport Strategy, Paramics microsimulation model of the nearby A281 corridor and standalone junction assessments of the wider study area.


The site has been allocated in Waverley Borough Council's Draft Local Plan and the planning committee resolved to grant planning consent in December 2016. The application was called in by the Secretary of State in March 2017 and the Public Inquiry took place that July, with David Bird acting as the transport expert witness.

Agreement was reached with Surrey County Council on all technical transport issues and a S106 Agreement was completed.

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