Transport support for Birkenhead Town Centre regeneration

Client Name
Wirral Growth Company


Wirral Growth Company is a joint venture partnership between Muse Developments and Wirral Council. It was established in 2019 to deliver urban regeneration in a number of locations across Wirral, with one of the first being Birkenhead town centre.

A hybrid planning application was submitted for the regeneration of over 11 hectares in Birkenhead town centre. This encompassed a detailed application for two high quality office buildings in the heart of the town centre, with outline permission sought for a mix of office, hotel, retail, leisure, and residential land uses, together with two new car parks, a relocated market, amendments to the bus station, and public realm and accessibility improvements.


We prepared the transport assessment, environmental statement transport chapter, framework travel plans and waste management plans to support the planning application.

Working closely with the project team, we assisted with the masterplanning and design of the development, as well as providing advice on the complex logistics of demolition and construction work within a busy town centre environment.


The transport assessment was undertaken using a first principles approach to trip rates, which reflected the highly accessible location of the development, with detailed modelling then undertaken using the council’s strategic SATURN model.

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