Project Albatross - Bulk Fuel Storage at the Saldanha Bay IDZ

21 May 2024 | Client: Cape Ocean Terminals

Cape Ocean Terminals (COT) was issued with an Environmental Authorisation (dated 8 March 2021) for the storage of dangerous goods at its proposed bulk fuel storage facility on a portion of Portion 23 of Farm No. 127 within the Saldanha Bay Industrial Development Zone. COT has now applied for the amendment of the EA to allow for the storage of an additional 90 000 cubic meters of fuel and to extend the validity period of the EA. SLR was appointed to undertake the required Part 1 Amendment Application Process.


Nosipho Mbunje



Herewith confirmation that on 15 May 2024, the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning made the decision to amend COT's EA to allow for a total fuel storage capacity of 250 000 cubic meters at COT's planned bulk refined fuel storage facility at the Saldanha Bay IDZ.

The below notification letter contains information on the legislated appeal period following the issuing of the decision.

A full copy of the Amended EA is also available for download below.