Camilla Angelotti

Social Safeguards Specialist



Camilla Angelotti is a Social Safeguards Expert specialising on gender and vulnerability. With extensive experience developing impact assessments, action plans, and management systems to assess and mitigate negative impacts on project-affected communities, Camilla has worked on large-scale infrastructure and energy projects across Europe, Africa, and Asia, supporting clients in achieving compliance with international standards (IFC, EBRD, EIB, ADB, WB) and industry best practice. Skilled in gender-specific consultations and qualitative social research, her expertise lies on stakeholder engagement, vulnerability, social exclusion, gender discrimination and harassment, livelihood and displacements, indigenous people, cultural heritage and social impact assessment.

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  • Insight

    07 March 2024

    6 minutes read

    Is your organisation’s gender inclusion approach leaving some women behind?

    by Camilla Angelotti, Chloe Good

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