Jessica Louisos
Senior Water Resources Engineer
Jessica is a Senior Water Resources Engineer specialising in geomorphological and bio-engineering designs for riverine systems and watersheds. She has designed numerous river restoration, dam removal, storm water mitigation and green infrastructure, flood mitigation and recovery, bank and gully stabilisation, culvert, bridge scour, and aquatic organism passage projects. She has managed projects and performed tasks at all project stages including project scoping, field data collection, modelling, design, permitting, cost estimating, and construction oversight for many projects. Jessica has broad field experience in geomorphic and habitat assessment, stormwater master planning, and construction observation. She has advanced river and watershed modelling experience including multiple hydrology models and one- and two-dimensional hydraulic modelling to inform flood mitigation, bridge scour and design, and restoration projects. Jessica was awarded the 2013 Vermont State Young Engineer of the Year Award.
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