Tim Durant
Associate Director - Transport and Mobility Planning | Research and Development
Tim Durant is an Associate Director in the International team based in our Bonn office. With a background in city and regional planning and over 18 years of professional experience, Tim has specialized in mobility planning and has a deep interest in integration across the sectors of transport, energy, land use and urban design, as well as resilient city actions. Project responsibilities include working with European cities on innovation exchange relating to infrastructure for cycling and micro-mobility, Mobility as a Service, electro-mobility, hydrogen economy and logistics. In the frame of the SUMP PLUS project, he is also working on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan implementation and funding strategies at city scale, as well as the business models of individual services.
With respect to our work in Africa, Tim is the project coordinator of the UKAID TRANSITIONS project, which is undertaking research on the informal public transport sector in Accra, Kumasi, Freetown, Cape Town and Maputo, with the aim of providing recommendations on how city authorities can best work with the industry to deliver efficient and comfortable public transport with reduced environmental, safety and social externalities.
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