Design coordination for Hampden Fields
- Client Name
- Taylor Wimpey
- Location
- Aylesbury, UK

SLR acted as overall design coordinators on a sustainable, mixed use urban extension in south east Aylesbury.
The scheme will provide up to 3,000 dwellings; land for a Park & Ride; employment land; a new dual carriageway (the Southern Link Road); two primary schools; a mixed use local centre; multi-functional green infrastructure; and strategic flood defence provision.
SLR provided extensive experience in designing urban extensions, demonstrating a landscape-led approach that delivered both practical masterplanning and creativity.
SLR also designed the majority of open spaces which included sports grounds, play areas, public gardens and semi-natural green spaces. This involved innovative approaches to sustainable landscape design, including ‘edible landscape’ concepts.
The scheme has undergone extensive community and stakeholder consultation, for which SLR provided the public consultation material and a range of supporting plans, and prepared and edited the Design and Access Statement.
The outline planning application was approved in October 2017 and has been designed as a ‘21st century garden suburb’.