Mey battery energy storage system
- Client Name
- Simec Atlantis
- Location
- Caithness, UK

The Proposed Development is a 300MW Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) located approximately 500m southeast of the village of Mey in the Scottish Highlands.
The project proposal is to install around 350 containerised battery units with a total storage capacity of up to 300MW. There would be significant associated infrastructure required such as power conditioning units, a 132kV transformer and a substation.
The site was chosen due to its flat topography and low elevation. Visual screening is provided by adjacent woodland which limits potential views of the development. The site’s location adjacent to the consented Gills Bay 132kV switching station is a key advantage.
Adverse effects to landscape character and visual receptors will be avoided by limiting the height of the battery units to 3m above ground level. A 2.4m high perimeter fence would be painted olive green to reduce visual effects.
The client required screening for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the proposed development.
The proposals were screened out of the need for a full EIA. Nevertheless, a full suite of environmental assessments supported the Section 36 application for the proposed development, including:
- Landscape and Visual Appraisal
- Ecology and Ornithology
- Noise
- Transport and Access
- Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
- Flood Risk and Drainage
A Supporting Environmental Information Report (SEIR) was submitted which summarised the results of the environmental assessments and set out a list of the proposed mitigation measures that the Applicant has committed to.
The Section 36 application was submitted to the Scottish Government in February 2024 supported by the SEIR Report. A decision is pending.