Pardee School of Global Studies Pedestrian Wind Comfort Analysis

Client Name
Diller Scofidio + Renfro
Boston, Massachusetts


The proposed 12-storey development at the University of Boston will feature several outdoor amenity areas surrounding the site, including the entry plaza to the north, Quad Lawn to the west, an outdoor gathering area to the southwest, and a bike path along the Charles River. SLR was retained by the client to conduct a pedestrian wind comfort study to meet the requirements of the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA).


SLR was retained to analyze and evaluate the pedestrian wind comfort and safety conditions of the development, including the outdoor amenity areas. To execute this project, we conducted a wind tunnel study with a 1:400 scale model of the Pardee School of Global Studies building.


  • The evaluation highlighted areas with stronger-than-desired wind flows. To address these zones SLR recommended localized wind control measures and modifications to achieve the desired wind conditions on an annual basis.
  • We reviewed the project landscape plan and recommended modifications on landscaping to be effective for wind control.

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