Formulating a Site Plan to Support the Ecology and Management Needs of the Bluff Point Properties, in Groton CT
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As part of the City’s Comprehensive Master Plan update, SLR conducted an analysis of economic conditions, housing demographics, development patterns, open space and natural resources, and development potential.
Each of these plan elements provides background information, conditions maps, and analysis of trends and conditions since the last plan update.
Additionally, we incorporated some community-specific planning elements as “Special Studies” into the plan. One of the studies was an analysis of New Britain’s corridors and strategies for enhancement. The second study involved the integration of housing, economic development, and transit-oriented development (TOD) principles into an Incentive Housing Zone (IHZ) project Plan centered on the proposed Hartford-New Britain Busway transit stops in the City of New Britain. The key components of the Plan of Conservation and Development are its guiding Goals and Objectives, the Generalized Future Land Use Plan and the Action Agenda, which details steps towards implementation.
[object Promise]The Plan of Conservation and Development and its associated Generalized Land Use Plan and Action Agenda serve to guide the City’s future conservation and development efforts as an advisory or policy-guidance document.