Sustainability strategies for Western Sydney University Campus
- Client Name
- Binah Group
- Location
- New South Wales, Australia

SLR has prepared all Environmentally Sustainable Design, Energy Modelling, Daylight Modelling, Thermal Comfort Modelling, Peer Review of the Technical Specifications, Waste Management Plan, PV Solar Installation, Green Star Submission and Green Star Certification for the brand new, state of the art Western Sydney University Campus in Liverpool, New South Wales.
The project achieved a 31% improvement in terms of Greenhouse Emissions reduction when compared to an equivalent benchmark building using the latest Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) energy efficiency modelling guidelines for educational buildings.
The project also achieved 4 Star GBCA star rating using Design and As Built Tool in its Round 1 submission.
Some of the key sustainability initiatives and strategies included:
A Building Management System to manage and monitor major energy uses automatically.
PV solar system installation.
- Efficient Variable Refrigerant Flow system with heat recovery system
- Smart meters covering the entire energy and water major uses and sources.
- Reclaimed water to provide recycled water for toilet flushing and landscape irrigation. This hit a key waste reuse requirement.,
- 100% of test water to be captured to the fire storage water tank during the fire testing.
- Separation of the applicable waste streams.
- Reuse or recycle at least 80% of the construction waste by weight.
- Finishes with low Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) content.
- Based off daylight modelling results, 61.32% of the nominated floor areas reached a daylight factor of not less than 2.