Tomingley Gold Mine Closure Cost Review

Client Name
Tomingley Gold Operations Pty Ltd
New South Wales, Australia


Tomingley Gold Mine is located south of Tomingley Village in Central West New South Wales on Mining Lease ML1684 and operated under Project Approval 09_0155 conditions and an approved Mining Operations Plan.

A significant increase in rehabilitation costs at Tomingley Gold Mine has been recognised, associated with drainage construction to manage dispersive soils on site. As a result, Tomingley Gold Operations Pty Ltd that manages the Tomingley Gold Mine, is seeking to update internal rehabilitation cost estimates.

Considering significant changes to drainage design at Tomingley Gold Mine and the dispersive character of soils and waste materials, this project will assist in determining the approximate closure costs based on updated waste dump and drainage designs, and a preliminary pit closure strategy to be developed during the project.

The evaluation will facilitate estimation of progressive rehabilitation for hard rock waste, dumps, pits and other landforms for use in internal accounting, mine planning and other key processes.


Our provided the following support:

  • Imminent and Planned Closure
  • Cost Estimates.
  • Documented realistic cost assumptions based on
    site knowledge and good industry practice.
  • Material quantities generated to cost pit rehabilitation for geotechnical and erosional stability based on cut and fill design for pit highwall sections (costs verified by later geotechnical studies).
  • A summary report outlining methodology and assumptions.

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