Travel plan for Lister Hospital
- Client Name
- East and North Hertfordshire Trust
- Location
- Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire, UK

Lister Hospital is undergoing major expansion and redevelopment, which will make it the East and North Hertfordshire Trust’s (ENHT’s) specialist hospital for emergency and in-patient care covering east and north Hertfordshire and south Bedfordshire.
The project includes a three-storey extension to its maternity unit, a multi-storey car park, urgent care centre, alterations to the accident & emergency unit and a new main block comprising theatres, critical care and ward accommodation.
To facilitate the expansion, ENHT is in the process of developing a travel plan to support staff, patient and visitor travel to Lister Hospital.
ENHT appointed us to analyse the results of a staff travel planning survey undertaken at the hospital. This involved close liaison with the ENHT’s travel planning consultants and travel plan manager. Our work included analysis of the staff modal split and transport views of almost 900 employees.
We used Geographical Information Software (GIS) to prepare a series of travel catchment maps, which identified the number of staff living within given distances of Lister Hospital by mode of travel to work. We also established the proportion of staff that live within accessible reach of public transport nodes.
These maps have been used to inform the ongoing travel planning work that the Trust is undertaking on behalf of Lister Hospital.