As part of the works to upgrade the West Coast Main Line railway, additional electricity supplies were required in the Oxenholme area, near Kendal.
SLR identified and appraised cable route alternatives between Hutton Substation and Oxenholme. National Grid subsequently appointed SLR to secure the necessary consents to complete the work on site.
Routeing of cable route to provide additional transmission supplies to facilitate the upgrading of the West Coast Main Line railway at Oxenholme, near Kendal and management of the consents aspects of the project. As the connection was made by means of an underground cable route, the works were permitted development. However, applications were required in relation to hedgerows protected by the Hedgerow Regulations, Environment Agency agreement for stream crossings affecting White Clawed Crayfish, and works affecting Great Crested Newt and Badger, in accordance with National Grid’s Schedule 9 responsibilities.
- Routeing of cable route and related environmental studies.
- Performing the consents role on behalf of National Grid’s Land and Development team.
- Obtaining necessary hedgerow regulations approvals.
- Landscape mitigation and hedgerow reinstatement plans prepared.
- Management of archaeological watching brief.
- Working with National Grid’s land and development team, wayleaves team, Alliances, Natural England and specialist subcontractors.