CDP Results – What does your score mean?

Post Date
17 March 2023
Read Time
3 minutes

With the release of the 2022 CDP results, we have compiled a summary of what a CDP score really means for your company. The score provides a snapshot of your company’s environmental disclosure and performance and how you compare with others. The transparent scoring methodology provides a roadmap for you to improve environmental performance and achieve best practice overtime.

F: Start disclosing

CDP states that an F does not necessarily mean a failure in environmental stewardship, but rather a lack of disclosure. If you have an F that means investors are requesting you disclose, but you are failing to do so, companies should consider the impact of this.

D-/D: Fill disclosure gaps

A D- or D grade indicates that whilst you are responding, you are failing to fully complete the questionnaire. Even if there are aspects you are not able to respond to positively, it is better to acknowledge this gap, rather than leaving it blank.

C-/C: Take action

The next stage for a company at this grade is to look beyond disclosure, at action. The step up to a B grade requires you to demonstrate that not only are you aware of your sustainability impacts, but are taking action to address them.

B-/B: Refine your strategy

B-grade companies are already taking responsibility for their impacts & taking actions to manage them. The next stage is to accelerate that strategy, in line with best practices. For example, improving your emissions reduction targets to align with SBTi, or starting to quantify risks under TCFD.

A-/A: Maintain leadership

A-grade companies are, by definition, leading the sustainability agenda, but the work cannot stop there. Implementing the plans, staying up to date with the latest guidance, and exploring opportunities to increase your company’s positive impacts, for example looking at nature & biodiversity net-gain, will ensure you stay at the forefront of corporate sustainability action.

How we can support your 2023 CDP response

To help improve your current score or assist with your first submission to CDP in 2023, we can provide the following support:

  • Gap analysis of your 2022 response against updated guidance with detailed feedback on priority areas of improvement.
  • Information gathering support across your business to compile the latest information and data required.
  • Drafting support for new and existing responses to ensure your disclosure is an accurate reflection of all aspects of your sustainability actions and environmental performance.
  • Submission to the CDP platform, we can upload final responses or support with edits directly on the CDP online response system.
  • Detailed schedule and support with internal engagement to ensure sufficient time for internal review and sign-off ahead of the submission deadline.
  • As a CDP Accredited Solutions Provider for our CDP services, we have direct access to CDP technical teams and are able to provide our clients with up-to-date insights and the latest feedback on requirements or recommended approach.

To find out more about the services we provide on CDP, please contact us.

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