Nicolas Serieys

Principal Engineer - Air Quality



Nicolas Serieys has worked on some of the most heavily scrutinized environmental compliance projects in California. He has an extensive background addressing complex environmental challenges at controversial sites. Among other accomplishments, Nicolas designed compliance plans to resolve multi-year violations, led technical negotiations for violation settlements, and testified before South Coast AQMD’s Hearing Board as an expert witness in support of petitions to Stipulated Orders for Abatement.

Nicolas has experience with various industrial processes including oil & gas operations, aerospace transparency systems, coating manufacturing, specialty coating and resin applications, heat treatment, metal plating and finishing. He has secured challenging Authorities to Construct and Permits to Operate for a variety of industrial processes located at Title V and/or RECLAIM sites throughout California. The permit applications involved Health Risk Assessments (HRAs), AERMOD air dispersion modeling, and ambient air sampling. Lastly, Nicolas also has experience building Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventories.

Get in touch


  • Registered Professional Engineer, Mechanical

    California, No. 36315

  • South Coast AQMD Certified Permitting Professional

    No. N61104, 2012

  • Cal/OSHA Certified Asbestos Consultant

    No. 06-4082

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  • Insight

    19 July 2024

    4 minutes read

    California Governor Newsom proposes two-year delay to climate reporting bills

    by Erica Landin-Lofving, Nicolas Serieys

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