Simon Hodgson

Industry & Technology Sector Lead - Europe



Simon loves doing things for the first time; setting strategies, devising processes or researching new ideas. He has worked with clients in all sectors, and his recent projects include pharmaceutical supply chain ethics, writing about nuclear sustainability, researching the impact of IT on sustainability, and setting CR strategy for a large retailer.

Having started with a DPhil in physics, Simon’s career ranges between technical sustainability roles and corporate strategy within a PLC, giving him the ability to speak both languages. He is an experienced facilitator and speaker and writes for a number of magazines and journals.

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  • Insight

    27 July 2023

    1 minute read

    Report - The future of responsible media

    by Simon Hodgson

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  • Insight

    22 July 2023

    1 minute read

    Report: Buying your way into trouble

    by Simon Hodgson

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  • Insight

    19 July 2023

    1 minute read

    Mirrors or movers? II: Understanding the impacts of media content - Report

    by Simon Hodgson

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  • Insight

    18 July 2023

    1 minute read

    Does it matter? An analysis of sustainability issues in the media sector

    by Simon Hodgson

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  • Insight

    18 July 2023

    1 minute read

    Home front - executive summary

    by Simon Hodgson

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  • Insight

    14 July 2023

    1 minute read

    Mirrors or movers? Framing the debate about the impact of media content - Report

    by Simon Hodgson

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  • Insight

    12 July 2023

    1 minute read

    Report - Rewarding virtue

    by Simon Hodgson

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  • Insight

    10 July 2023

    2 minutes read

    The responsible lobbying framework

    by Simon Hodgson

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