Environmental Impact Assessment - Alvance
- Client Name
- Alvance British Aluminium
- Location
- Fort William, UK

Alvance is developing an Aluminium Recycling and Billet Casting Facility located adjacent to the existing Lochaber Smelter in Fort William. The project aims to create a sustainable economic and environmental future for the Lochaber smelter and power station, its employees and local community by being the producer of choice in a continually evolving market.
The Proposed Development includes a 12,245 m2 billet casting facility and associated development covering 3.69 ha and comprising a product storage area, new access road, sustainable drainage systems and landscaping. The location of the site, adjacent to the Ben Nevis and Glen Coe National Scenic Area and close to the Ben Nevis Special Area of Conservation and Site of Special Scientific Interest, meant that landscape and ecological effects required particular consideration during design process.
Alvance required a multi-discipline environmental impact assessment (EIA) and other services ahead of the design process.
- Management of multi-discipline EIA
- Flood risk assessment
- Drainage strategy design
- Process design feasibility (air emissions)
- Peat management
The Proposed Development will deliver Alvance ‘Green-Aluminium’ from scrap metal using hydropower. We managed the assessment of environmental effects as part of a major planning application.
Working with site engineers, process plant manufacturers and project architects, we have advised on design iterations reflecting both the sensitivity of the proposed site and the views of the local community and statutory consultees.
The EIA Report was submitted to The Highland Council in May 2021. Subject to securing the appropriate permissions, consents and licences, Alvance intends to initiate construction in late 2021, with operation commencing no later than January 2024.