Local Government quarry strategy for essential construction materials
- Client Name
- Etheridge Shire Council
- Location
- Queensland, Australia

Security of essential construction materials is vital to regional communities where commercial supply is limited. Having strategically located supply sites is an important aspect of regional council management to ensure appropriate maintenance can be undertaken of the extensive road networks.
Etheridge Shire Council (ESC) is located in the northwest of Queensland and encompasses an area of approximately 39,300 square kilometers. As a result of the Northern and Central Queensland monsoon and flooding event, that occurred in the region between December 2022 to January 2023, the road and infrastructure network was significantly impacted. This event triggered the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, which included the reconstruction of essential public assets. Central to this reconstruction was the supply of suitable quarry materials at sufficient volume.
Together with ESC, a total of 15 strategically located gravel supply sites were identified across the region to provide materials for reconstruction efforts. The sites were to facilitate recovery works for this event, but also provide longer term security of supply of these essential materials.
Following identifying the strategic sites, environmental assessments were undertaken to then progress an application for the appropriate Environmental Authority to facilitate the extraction of material from these sites at the volumes necessary. Working with the Department of Environment Science and Innovation, an Environmental Authority was obtained which now permits the ongoing use of these sites for material supply. This has resulted in ESC now having confidence in sustained supply of materials.
Prior to this project, ESC did not have any quarry sites approved for the volumes necessary with all sites limited to less than 5,000 tonnes / annum.
This work has ensured the security of supply for these essential materials to ensure ongoing management and maintenance of the road and infrastructure network throughout ESC.