Murray River flood geotechnical support

Client Name
SA Water
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia


As South Australia’s largest water utility, SA Water is responsible for the delivery of essential water services to more than 1.7 million customers. Following significant flooding down the River Murray in 2022, which impacted some low-lying communities along the river, SA Water required emergency response support.

SA Water are also currently undertaking forward planning works to upgrade their projects, which require specific geotechnical expertise.


Our team has been working in partnership with SA Water, appointed to the Owner’s Engineer role with an aim to provide improved services for regional customers and water network resilience. This role included designing, modelling and supervising the construction of numerous levees.

Our experts provided emergency response support throughout the flood event, assisting SA Water to protect their critical potable water and wastewater assets that local communities relied on during this time. A levee design was developed which included key assets, assessment of legacy levee systems and emergency troubleshooting during the event. This design has now been successfully adopted by Local Councils situated along the Murray River.

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