Ravenswood Gold Mine air quality impact assessments

Client Name
Carpentaria Gold
Queensland, Australia


SLR’s air quality team prepared detailed air quality impact assessments for two proposed projects at the Ravenswood Gold Mine.


Work included estimation of fugitive particulate emissions for a range of operational scenarios covering the life of the projects, meteorological and air dispersion modelling studies, assessments of compliance with relevant regulatory criteria, and development of an ambient air quality monitoring programme. Sources covered by the assessments included, wind erosion, wheel generated dust from haul roads (including hauling between Ravenswood Mine and Mt Wright Mine), loading/unloading, conveyors and crushers.

Due to the close proximity of the open pit and haul roads to residential areas, these assessments required detailed reviews of possible mitigation measures in order to develop a cost-effective dust mitigation programme that would enable the site to comply with relevant ambient air quality guidelines at the nearest sensitive receptors.


The assessment was accepted by the regulator and conditions of consent were issued.

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