Showcase Cinema demolition

Client Name
Showcase Cinema
Connecticut, USA


SLR conducted a pre-demolition level asbestos and hazardous materials survey at the former Showcase Cinema, located in East Hartford, Connecticut.

SLR conducted the survey to identify and quantify suspect accessible asbestos containing materials (ACMs), lead-containing paints (LCPs), and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) materials.


The assessment was to confirm potential hazardous materials prior to demolition activities at the site.

SLR conducted a visual and physical assessment and obtained samples to be analysed by an accredited lab.


Lab results were positive for asbestos in some materials.

SLR prepared an Alternative Work Practice plan and specifications for inclusion in the overall bid documents for the demolition of the theatre. Additionally, SLR provided project oversight during the abatement of hazardous materials and building demolition activities.

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