Wollondilly active transport strategy

Client Name
Wollondilly Shire Council
Wollondilly, New South Wales, Australia


Wollondilly Shire Council engaged SLR to manage the development and delivery of an Active Transport Strategy to accommodate and encourage future growth in active transport demands within the Shire.

Significant emphasis was placed on the development of an Active Transport Strategy which is tailored to the unique needs and constraints of the Shire, being located in a peri-urban area with a relatively small and dispersed population. The Shire is however located within a key urban growth corridor, and thus the Active Transport Strategy was intended to meet the needs of existing residents whilst also accommodating and managing the significant increase in travel demand caused by the projected growth in the local population over the next 20 years.


This involved writing and publishing tender documents, selecting a consultant as part of a competitive bid process, as well as providing ongoing technical and project support to the consultant and Council in areas such as strategic planning and community engagement.

SLR managed the consultants and Council through the various stages of developing the Active Transport Strategy, including:

  • Tender preparation and bid selection
  • Strategy development, including technical support and input based on local knowledge and the expertise of the project team
  • Community engagement and stakeholder consultation
  • Review of project outputs and providing technical advice to Council where required.


SLR led the delivery of a comprehensive and detailed Active Transport Strategy that aligns with Council’s planning objectives whilst also ensuring that the use of active transport modes, and all its corresponding community benefits, is both encouraged and maximised.

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