Results from first-of-its-kind global methane quantification framework released

Post Date
17 June 2022
Read Time
1 minute

A scientific team out of the University of Texas at Austin, along with the Colorado School of Mines and SLR International, have released the field results from a first-of-its-kind framework study on a critical element of climate studies – methane emissions. SLR Senior Principal Matt Harrison and SLR Senior Engineer Kaylyn Burmaster are co-authors on the paper under the principal academic authors. The paper, now in un-reviewed pre-print, presents the field results from implementing a methane quantification, monitoring, recordkeeping, and verification (QMRV) across 3 regional basins using 5 technologies including continuous emissions monitoring systems within approximately 9 months of observations. This is part of a large-scale, ongoing collaboration with Cheniere Energy, Inc., Payne Institute for Public Policy along with SLR and several Oil and Gas companies as well as technology solution providers. The article has already been submitted to a peer-reviewed scientific journal and we anticipate publication soon. View the paper here.

The key to effective methane emission mitigation is accurate emissions accounting. For the first time, using continuous emissions monitoring systems, this study demonstrates the ability to develop distributions for the frequency and duration of methane ‘superemitters’ that can help appropriately scale snapshot aerial or satellite data.

“As our client companies in energy production are making commitments for emissions reductions and also participating in voluntary emissions certifications, it is critical that the industry develop scientifically robust approaches to reach an effective measurement-based methane inventory,” said Matt Harrison.

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