Sims Duggins
Principal Scientist
Sims Duggins has over 35 years of professional experience as a project manager and air quality meteorologist. He has considerable experience supporting various clients representing the mining, electric power, and oil and gas exploration and production industries. Sims has successfully managed and performed technical project work in the areas of Title V permitting, Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permitting, minor source permitting, and air quality meteorological monitoring. His experience in the permitting arena encompasses development of air emission inventories, air quality dispersion modeling, compliance assessment and demonstration, Best Available Control Technology (BACT) reviews, and permit review, comment and negotiation. With respect to ambient air quality monitoring projects, his experience includes preparation of monitoring plans for PSD-quality monitoring networks, data quality assurance/quality control, and data management, processing, analysis, and reporting. He has also processed PSD-quality meteorological data for input to air quality dispersion models.
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