Environmental site assessment, remediation & reclamation

Client Name
Saskatchewan, Manitoba, & Alberta, Canada


SLR provided Environmental Consulting services following release events of light crude oil along a pipeline in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada. The releases occurred in agricultural and natural land use areas in the Canadian prairies. Impacts were encountered in surface and sub-soils, surrounding vegetation, and surface water bodies.


The initial response efforts included: shutting in and isolating the failed pipeline; prevention of further surface impacts by advancing containment berms; and recovery of free phase product.

Remediation efforts included: the removal and disposal of impacted water; the excavation of impacted soils/sediments; and removal of visually impacted vegetation.

Where oil impacts were present within a creeks’ sediment and substrate, the creek was diverted around the work area to allow for the mechanical excavation of the areas of concern.

Following the response and remediation efforts; the sites were reclaimed / restored to mimic pre-existing conditions while meeting client, stakeholder and regulatory requirements.


SLR assisted our client with the following activities:

  • Fulfilled the role of Environment Officer, which included advising and communicating with on-site operations and incident personnel, communication with the Environment Representative, and providing daily written reports;
  • Environmental site assessment including: field verification surveys and sampling of residential water wells, geologic and hydrogeologic mapping of areas of interest, surface water and sediment assessment/monitoring, soil assessment/ delineation program, development and implantation of groundwater monitoring programs;
  • Development of Remediation Action Plans (RAP); Erosion and Sediment Control Plans; and provide professional technical guidance related to the remediation and reclamation / restoration of the impacted areas.
  • Development and Implementing of an Aquatic Habitat and Watercourse Restoration Plan as required;
  • Remediation excavation of impacted sediment and substrate within water bodies;

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