Texada Quarry

Client Name
Lafarge Canada Inc.
Texada Island, British Columbia


BC ENV (formerly BC Ministry of Environment) requested that all existing effluent discharges from the Texada Quarry site be permitted under the Environmental Management Act. In September 2022, SLR prepared a Conceptual Site Model (CSM) report to provide an overview of site characteristics pertaining to Lafarge’s Texada quarry. ENV reviewed the CSM and provided requirements to support the remainder of the permit application process (pre-permitting). The pre-permitting hydrogeological requirements included a hydrogeology assessment and hydrogeological modelling program.


To characterize the hydrogeology of the project, SLR provided the following services:

  • Desktop and field review of legacy hydrogeological dataset.
  • Drilling, core logging, and installation of 20 overburden and bedrock wells.
  • Packer testing of drillhole bedrock intervals.
  • Slug testing, water quality sampling, and transducer installation for long-term hydrogeological monitoring.
  • Installation of hydrologic stations and drive-point piezometers for quantification of groundwater/surface water interactions.
  • Coordination of locate, drilling, packer testing, downhole geophysics, and well completion contractors.


SLR is advancing both scopes with the aim of permitting all site discharges in 2024. ENV has been satisfied with both the field and modelling deliverables and should be on track for permitting.

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