EnviroServ - Closure of Aalwynhoek Composting Facility, Eastern Cape

30 May 2024 | Client: EnviroServ Waste Management (Pty) Ltd

DEDEAT REF NO.: CA/A/14/001-24 and WML No.: 12/9/11/L205/1

EnviroServ Waste Management (Pty) Ltd (EWM) owns and operates the Aalwynhoek Composting Facility (ACF) located on Erf 1 Aalwynhoek, R334 in Uitenhage in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality, Eastern Cape Province.

EWM holds an existing Waste Management Licence (WML) for a class G:S:B+ facility under the National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (No. 59 of 2008) (NEM:WA). The facility was licensed for the composting of organic matter in 2010 (licence number: 12/9/11/L205/1), and this licence was amended in 2020 (reference number: CA/AM/WM/09-2019) to include the composting of domestic waste, business waste, garden waste and excavated earth material waste. Due to the farm owner terminating the property lease, EWM no longer able to operate the ACF and is now proposing its closure (i.e., this Project).

Prior to the commencement of the closure of the ACF, a WML is required in terms of NEM:WA as per Government Notice Regulation (GN R) 921 List of Waste Management Activities that have, or are likely to have, a detrimental effect on the environment, 2013 (as amended) (GN R 921 of 2013) from the Eastern Cape Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEDEAT).

The decommissioning of the ACF included a pre-application phase, application phase, Basic Assessment Report (BAR) and Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) phase. In addition to the WML, according to condition 11.1 of the existing WML, the decommissioning of the ACF also required a Closure Report and Rehabilitation Plan.

SLR Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd (SLR), an independent firm of environmental consultants, has been appointed by EWM to manage the WML Application process.


Wasila Vorajee

Email: aalwynhoek@slrconsulting.com

Telephone: +27 21 461 1118



Notice is hereby given, in terms of the EIA Regulations, 2014 promulgated under NEMA, that the Basic Assessment Report (BAR) prepared for the above-mentioned project was submitted to the DEDEAT on 27 May 2024. The BAR and all supporting documentation submitted to the DEDEAT is available for download below for information purposes.

Aalwynhoek Composting Facility Final Basic Assessment Report