Avonmouth household recycling and reuse centre
- Client Name
- Bristol Waste Company Limited
- Location
- Avonmouth, UK

SLR were appointed by Bristol Waste Company (BWC) as the project manager and to deliver all aspects of the planning and determination support services. The project involved the re-development and extension of the Avonmouth Household Waste Recycling Centre, which included a split-level recycling facility for the receipt of civic amenity wastes, a new reuse centre, amended parking and access layout, security fencing, replacement tree planting and associated facilities.
Some aspects of the permission are still to be implemented, including some of the landscaping works/tree planting etc. this is partly due to the requirements to remove Japanese Knotweed and timings of works/completion of works.
Following the successful securing of conditional planning permissions, SLR has recently been reappointed for the next stage of the project where planning permission will be sought for the redevelopment of the northern part of the site. This includes the provision of an additional material baler as well as supporting infrastructure to generate improved efficiency and process waste ‘in house’ in order to maximise recycling opportunities.
Development proposals are still under consideration with four layouts currently prepared for consideration. All include the creation of a new circa 3000-4500 sq. metre building in addition to redesigning the layout of the wider Phase 2 site.
SLR have also secured conditional planning permission for a new HRRC at BWC’s Hartcliffe Depot and are currently in the process of discharging planning conditions. The development will provide a much-needed recycling facility to serve the residents of South Bristol, and a reuse workshop and shop to help divert good quality, pre-loved items from the waste stream; providing low-cost household products, such as televisions, furniture and vacuums, for residents.